The world needs healthy urban leaders who:

  • Reflect diverse urban communities
  • Navigate the tension of today’s complex world
  • Create non-toxic church cultures
  • Promote systems that are equitable and just

The World Is Increasingly Young & Urban

The future is here. By 2045 the majority in the United States will become the minority when 51% of the population will be multi-ethnic. For those 18 and younger, that happens in 2020. 42% of the global population is under 25 years old, and 55% of the world’s population live in cities.

This is what the future of the church will look like.

But who will prepare, resource, and train the next generation of urban leaders like you to capture the hearts and minds through urban youth ministry with the Gospel?

We DEVELOP URBAN Leaders Who Make an Impact

UYWI is fueling the next generation of leaders who operate on the front lines with youth in urban communities. We accelerate your leadership development using our leadership process that will increase your capacity and impact and help you thrive.


Poverty, fatherlessness, racism, systemic injustice, violence, mass incarceration, and lack of education are best solved through those who are closest to it. Urban leaders like you are restoring and rebuilding broken communities through gospel-driven change in the lives of youth globally. We are here to help you do it better.

Get FREE tools to reach and engage youth in life-transforming discipleship.

We Are You & We Are For You!  THE UYWI Fuel Network is a community forum to bring you together with equally passionate people ready to solve the unique challenges of urban youth ministry.



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Building for the Future

Maritza Rebollar photographed with one of her female students.

What If? You made the difference?